You Have Thought Your Way into Negativity and Misery..

How many more nights of sleep you gonna lose, running around complaining about your life? Stop being a lazy, bum-ass person that’s full of excuses, sitting around on the pity potty coming up with every excuse in the world as to why you ain’t winning. You are the reason you’re not wining. You are the reason you look the way you look, you’re the reason you’re unemployed, you are the reason why your surroundings are so dysfunctional and negative. It is a choice. 

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You have thought your way into a depression. You have thought your way into negativity and misery.

You have thought your way into a depression. You have thought your way into negativity and misery. Its all in the mind. Change your mind and it will change your life. Its time you get off the pity potty, stop complaining about being out of shape when you never go to the gym. Stop looking at your stomach when you get out of the shower and your body, and complaining about the way you look when you are eating everything in sight and never going to the gym. You just have to wake up. You just have to break that negative spirit, you have to break through all of the thing that you are carrying.


Everybody wants to be better. Everyone talks about becoming better. 

Everybody wants to be better. Everyone talks about becoming better. But i will tell you right now, it doesn’t just happen. You wanna improve? You wanna get on a workout program, or c clean diet, or start a new business? You wanna write a book, or make a movie, or build a house, or computer, or an app? Where do you start? You start right here. When do you start? You star right now. You initiate action, you go. That idea isn’t going to execute itself. That book isn’t going to write itself. Those weight out in the gym, they aren’t going to move themselves. You have to do it. And you have to do it now. So stop thinking about it, stop dreaming about it, stop researching every aspect of it, and debating the pros and cons of it. Start doing it. Take that first step and make it happen. Here and now.


You will start move forward and achieve that thing,

It takes courage, it takes commitment, it takes discipline.  There are all things that you need to have, because let me tell you this, when you do, magic is gonna start happen baby. You will start move forward and achieve that thing, you will start respecting yourself more, you will start carrying yourself differently, and think that you can take on the world. But it all start with honesty. Ask yourself what you have been lying to yourself about. Consciously admit that you have been destroy yourself about that thing, and do everything in your power to o out and change it. It ain’t easy to do, but i promise you, it will be worth it.


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