If You Want To Take The Island, Burn The Boats

Many of you will not be successful because you’ve got this giant goal and no steps to go with it. You just in your mind like, “Girl, this my year!” How many steps? “I don’t know.” Like, what is it gonna take for you to do it? I don’t know. I just know this is my year.” All of us in life have things we want. We don’t get what we want, we get what we have to have. We all get what we tolerate. In ourselves and other people. But when you’re no longer willing to tolerate something, that’s when your life changes.

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If you want to take the island, burn the boats.


The differences in people is their standards. Period. Everyone in the world has a list of things they think they should do with motivation. I should lose weight, I should work out, I should work harder, I should make more calls, I should and I should. And then you know what? People don’t do their should and they get mad at themselves and they what I call should all over themselves, they beat themselves up about it. What changes people is when your should becomes a must. When suddenly the thing you said should happen, has to happen. That’s when human beings change. It’s like, if you want to take the island, burn the boats. Because if there’s no way to go back, it’s amazing what happens when it’s must to do something versus should. The number one thing that’s gonna change your life, the only thing that will change your life, change your business, change your money, change your relationship is you must raise your standard.


You deserve to get your ass kicked. You deserve to be miserable


If you can’t stick to something for 5 days, you deserve to have a ugly life. You deserve to get your ass kicked. You deserve to be miserable. We are talking about 5 days. We are not talking about 100 years, we’re talking about the 5 years it probably takes to build something worthwhile, we’re not talking about the 5 months it could take for you to lose 100 pounds, we are talking about 5 days. And you can’t even stick to it for that, so what do you think you deserve? You deserve exactly what you get. And that’s the truth. That’s the things your friends won’t tell you, when you’re moaning about how your life sucks on Friday night, drinking a brewski with your boys. When you should be reading or improving or working out or doing something.


If you can’t start to tell the voice that you have in your head to sit down and shut up, you’re gonna have a very hard time making any year your year. What’s always going to come down to is your own actions and your own choices.


This is your year. Your year for change. It’s time to make that change right now. It doesn’t matter if it’s the 1st, the 2nd.the 3rd, the 1st week, the 2nd week, it’s a new year. You have new opportunities. There’s new doors opening for you every single day, you have to just walk through them and be who you are mean to be on this earth.

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