Fat burning can be one of the most difficult and difficult tasks. You can try a variety of methods, such as exercise, strict dieting, or yoga, or any other proven method that will help you lose weight. We wonder, however, if something as simple as a good night's sleep could be the key to losing weight. Yes, the answer is yes!
How to Burn Fat While Sleeping?
Simple habits implemented during the day can actually help you lose weight while sleeping, and we will show you how to burn more fat while sleeping. So persevere until the end.
1 Drink More Water
This is a very useful little trick. It has both psychological and physiological effects. When you think you're hungry, you're actually thirsty 50% of the time, so instead of reaching for a bag of chips, drink a glass of water first and wait 10 minutes. Your hunger will most likely pass. You are less likely to consume sugary drinks or alcohol if you drink water, which automatically reduces your calorie intake.
Water fills you up on empty calories, so drinking it before a meal helps to reduce the likelihood of overeating. In one study of overweight adults, those who drank two glasses of water before meals lost 44% more weight than those who did not. Drinking water also has a physiological effect on speeding up your metabolism. According to studies, drinking two glasses of water increases your resting metabolism by 10-30% for about an hour. So you burn more calories when you are sleeping.
2 Consume Smaller Dinners
If you eat a large meal in the evening, your body will work to digest it rather than detoxing and recharging. This is especially problematic if you're eating a lot of carbs. Carbohydrates can cause blood sugar levels to rise. Your body secretes insulin to transport the sugar you just ate to your cells for use. If you don't use that energy, such as when you go straight to bed, those calories will be stored as fat.
The rise in insulin also causes a chain reaction of events that raises blood sugars, promotes fat storage, and prevents fat breakdown, as well as interfering with your circadian rhythm for proper sleep. Instead of a hard cutoff for eating at night, swap carbs for fiber-rich, plant-based foods that will aid in your digestion rather than making your body work harder when it's about to shut down for the night.
3 Eat Citrus Fruits
Fiber and vitamin C are fat-burning nutrients found in citrus fruits. Vitamin C activates your body's fat-burning ability, which is found in the amino acid carnitine. Vitamin C also contributes to your body's ability to process fat. This nutrient accelerates the process by diluting and then eliminating fat from your body.
Consuming a variety of fiber and vitamin C-rich citrus fruits can boost your metabolism and aid in fat loss. Grapefruit, guava, lemons, limes, oranges, tangerines, papaya, and tomatoes are examples of citrus fruits. Drinking juice made from these fruits can also aid in fat loss.
4 Sleep in a cool Room
Although it may appear strange, sleeping in cooler temperatures can help you burn more calories and lose weight overnight. A study found that sleeping in rooms cooled to 66 degrees for a month increased the amount of calorie-burning brown fat in people's bodies by 42 percent. Not only that, but their ability to metabolize fat increased by 10%. Even better, their insulin sensitivity increased, potentially lowering their risk of type 2 diabetes.
Researchers previously discovered that in the cold, metabolic signaling between your skeletal muscle and brown-fat tissue may make your body work harder to maintain its optimal core temperature.
5 Stand Up More
Simply standing up more during the day can help you burn more fat while you sleep at night. According to a recent study, standing and sitting more frequently can result in relatively quick and low-effort weight loss. They discovered that standing instead of sitting for six hours a day would help a ten-stone person burn an extra 54 calories per day.
That may not seem like much, but over the course of a year, it adds up to nearly half a stone. Previous research has also shown that standing burns about nine more calories per hour than sitting. Although you should not rely solely on standing to lose weight.
6 Cut back on Alcohol
REM sleep is when your body burns the most calories at night. However, if you consume too much alcohol close to bedtime, your body will focus on metabolizing the alcohol, preventing you from spending as much time in the REM sleep state. And that's only part of the issue.
Your brain, like the rest of your body, prefers to burn carbohydrates, and alcohol is essentially made from fermented sugars. So, what happens to your body's alcohol sugars? They clog your liver, which now has to detoxify the alcohol, and prevent your body from converting fat cells to ketones, interfering with your body's fat-burning process. Furthermore, when alcohol degrades, the byproducts are high in calories. As a result, you should refrain from drinking before going to bed (stop drinking mate).
7 Drink a Casein Shake
While proteins like whey are great for post-workout energy, their rapid absorption means they're not as effective before bed. If you want to increase your overnight fat burning, opt for casein protein. Casein is a slowly digested protein that takes your body six to eight hours to digest. This means that your metabolism will remain active throughout the night, and you will wake up feeling energized rather than hungry.
Casein's fat-burning abilities were confirmed in a study that discovered an increase in overnight metabolic rate following protein consumption. Similarly, another study found that casein enhances overnight protein synthesis, which helps to repair and strengthen muscles. When you consider that every additional pound of muscle burns 30-35 calories per day, this is a significant benefit of this super-protein that should not be overlooked.
8 Sleep in a Dark Room:
This may come as a surprise to you, but research has shown otherwise. According to a recent study, melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy, is also responsible for increasing brown fat production. White fat burns fewer calories than brown fat. When you sleep in a very dark room, your body produces more melatonin, which allows you to create the right type of fat for optimal fat burning and weight loss.
9 Do Resistance Training
While sleep is excellent for weight loss, there are some exercises you can do before bed to speed up the process. Pre-sleep resistance training is one of the most effective methods. Resistance training is excellent for increasing your metabolism and thus burning fat. According to one study, subjects who did resistance exercises had a higher resting metabolic rate for an average of 16 hours after their workout.
This resistance training session does not have to be strenuous. Even if it doesn't push you to your limits and leave you out of breath, a simple weight lifting routine will suffice. It's well worth following this up with a casein shake; as previously stated, this will ensure consistent muscle recovery while you sleep.
10 Eat Cottage Cheese Before Bed:
When it comes to dieting, eating food before bed is often considered taboo, but this is dependent on the type of food you choose. Avoiding food completely before going to bed may have the opposite effect, as if you wake up hungry, you are far more likely to binge on food at breakfast. A small snack of cottage cheese before bed is a good choice because it is high in casein protein.
Cottage cheese also contains the amino acid tryptophan. According to one study, tryptophan improves sleep quality and decreases the time it takes to fall asleep. This means that cottage cheese will keep you satisfied throughout the night and ensure you get enough sleep.
11 Drink Green Tea
According to studies, the flavonoids in green tea can boost your metabolism, and if it's your third cup of the day, you'll burn 3.5 percent more calories overnight. Don't be concerned about the caffeine content. Green tea will not keep you up all night.
12 Get rid of Electronic Devices completely before sleeping
If you want to lose weight quickly, don't scroll through your Facebook feed before falling asleep. According to research, nighttime exposure to blue light, which is emitted by smartphones, tablets, and even energy-efficient LEDs, disrupts the production of the hormone melatonin, which may slow your metabolism.
Blue-light exposure was found to suppress melatonin production for twice as long as natural light and shift the body's circadian rhythms twice as much. Another study discovered that blue light exposure at night increases hunger and insulin resistance, which can lead to weight gain, increased body fat, and an increased risk of diabetes.
How many of the mentioned habits do you have currently? Has it helped you burn fat? Let us know in the comments section below!