Revealing 15 Unexpected Triggers for Recurring Acne

What are the Reasons You Keep Getting Acne? 

Did you know that up to 50 million Americans experience acne annually, making it the most prevalent skin condition in the country? Being acne-prone can be challenging. One of the hardest skin types to maintain is probably this one. When it comes to skincare or even your makeup routine, acne-prone skin necessitates going above and beyond.

There are many misconceptions about acne and its causes. Nobody, however, wishes to have it on their faces, that much is certain. Both adults and adolescents can suffer from acne, which can be both physically painful and emotionally embarrassing. Then what actually triggers acne? We'll let you know the real causes of your acne, though.

Here the reason You Keep Getting Acne

1. Poor Digestion

When talking about the causes of acne, your digestion is another thing to take into account. Aspects of your lifestyle, such as your diet and your level of stress, can frequently be the root of poor bowel function. You won't be eliminating all the waste from your food if you don't have regular bowel movements. As a result, toxins may build up in your body and eventually trigger an immune system and skin cell reaction that results in an acne breakout.

2. Diet

You've probably heard that certain foods cause acne from someone or somewhere. Additionally, some food groups receive a lot of criticism for this reason. What we really want to know is: Does dairy cause acne? Depending on the dairy type, the answer is yes. Whole, low-fat, and skim milk have all been linked in studies to an increase in acne outbreaks. However, there is no proof that dairy products like cheese or yogurt—which are often consumed—increase breakouts.

15 Incredible Causes Why You Keep Getting Acne

If you enjoy sweets, you might be wondering if chocolate contributes to acne. So, more research is required to establish a link between eating chocolate and an increase in breakouts. However, when under stress, people frequently consume chocolate, which may actually be the root of acne problems. Although it is best to avoid foods that are highly salted, those that contain refined sugar, and those that are high in saturated fat.

3 Not Enough Omega-3 in your Diet

What sardines and anchovies have to do with zits may be a mystery to you. According to research, inflammatory chemicals increase sebum production. When your sebaceous glands again go into overdrive, it feels similar to going through puberty. Omega-3 is well known for preventing the overactivity of your sebaceous glands caused by inflammatory chemicals. You can anticipate little to no acne on your skin if there is less sebum.

4. Stress

We've all been there: you're having a particularly trying week at work when suddenly an irate Zit shows up to make matters worse. Although the connection between stress and acne has long been hypothesized, research into it has just begun. Researchers examined the relationship between the two in a study using a self-reported stress test and a system for grading acne.

They discovered that women with higher stress levels had noticeably worse acne lesions. Once more, hormones are to blame for this one. Hormones like cortisol and androgens, which encourage oil production, spike in response to stress. As a result, the pores become blocked, encouraging breakouts.

5. Smoking

According to research, smoking aggravates acne by subjecting skin to oxidative stress and changing the makeup of sebum. According to a study done on 1,000 women, smokers were significantly more likely to have acne than non-smokers, who had an acne prevalence of about 10%, at about 40%.

6. Makeup Products

It's only natural to want to cover up acne because it can be a little self-esteem-destroying to deal with. However, slathering on the foundation, concealer, and powder might be the original cause of your skin's panic attack. Makeup-related acne frequently manifests as tiny bumps or whiteheads on your cheeks, chin, or forehead. The real deal? There is frequently more than one bad guy. Sleeping in your makeup, using soiled makeup brushes, and products with pore-clogging oils or drying alcohol can all cause bothersome pimples.

You don't have to go bare-faced all the time to clear up acne brought on by makeup; you just need to choose your products carefully and practice extra hygiene when putting it on and taking it off. Letting your skin breathe can help.

7. Too Much Exposure to the Sun

Over the course of about half a decade of exposure to the sun, this occurs. Your skin eventually adapts by producing more oil when exposed to the sun for extended periods of time over a period of several years. Oil production causes clogged pores. Acne is the result of cellular walls deteriorating as a result of clogged pores, which allows bacteria to grow.

8. Pollution

Consider this: If pollution can cause dirt to be released into the air, what could it possibly be doing to your skin? According to research, people who reside in highly polluted areas, like major cities, may have more severe acne. That's because these different substances may increase skin inflammation and oil production, which may lead to clogged pores and pimples.

Maintaining their exclusion is the best way to stop pollutants from irritating your skin. Apply a moisturizer and a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day in an effort to create a barrier of defense against pollution.

9. Hormones

Many women experience acne flare-ups during or right after their period because of the hormonal changes brought on by menstruation. Typically, pimples develop when oily sebum produced by the sebaceous glands and dead skin combine to clog your pores or hair follicles. If you have hormonal acne, your chin and jawline may break out around the time of ovulation, which is typically 14 to 20 days into your cycle. Progesterone typically increases at that time, causing sebum production to be stimulated. Additionally, hormonal acne can appear during pregnancy or after stopping a birth control regimen.

10. Over Washing Your Face

Want your skin to be acne-free? Avoid washing your face more than twice per day unless it is absolutely necessary. Use an oil-free moisturizer and a gentle, noncomedogenic face wash every day. Avoid the urge to use acne-fighting cleansers every day. Use an acne wash only a few times a week to avoid dehydrating your skin, which could lead to increased oil production and pimples. Apply a spot treatment containing 2 percent salicylic acid if necessary, and don't forget to exfoliate two or three nights a week using an AHA product. Glycolic acid pads can be used to remove dead skin cells, improve texture, and aid in pore cleaning.

11. Sweat

No, we're not telling you not to perspire. Sweating itself does not directly cause acne. However, sitting in soiled, damp workout attire or delaying a shower or face wash after a vigorous sweating session makes your skin more prone to infection. Wear ventilated or moisture-wicking workout attire to help prevent breakouts, especially on the neck, back, and chest. Additionally, you ought to wipe your face with a fresh towel while exercising and take a shower right away.

12. Dirty Bed

Unbelievably, acne can develop while you're asleep. As you sleep, dirt and bacteria that have accumulated over time on your bedding may seep into your pores. Make sure to wash your bedding at least once a week if you don't want the unpleasant morning surprise of a new breakout. Still find the idea of making your bed with dirt and bacteria every night repulsive? Always wash your face before going to bed. Changing your daily shower schedule to the evening is another option.

13. Blocked Pores

Small openings on your skin known as pores allow it to breathe. Under the skin, these pores have oil glands that secrete oil to moisturize the skin and hair. It's not always bad to use this oil. The glands typically produce enough oil to keep your skin looking young, fresh, and healthy. However, these glands produce too much oil when they come into contact with the hormone DHT, which clogs pores and causes the glands to produce more oil and swell. Once the bacteria are attacked by white blood cells, acne results. Weeks before blemishes even appear, this acne formation process can start.

14. Your Cellphone

Over 2,000 touches can be made to your phone each day. Your screen may accumulate bacteria and dirt from your fingers, which can lead to breakouts around your mouth, cheeks, and chin. Give your phone a daily wipedown with an antibacterial wipe to keep the screen clear. Alternately, you can use headphones to make calls in order to completely avoid touching your phone.

15. Weak Immune System

When it comes to keeping your body safe and protected from pathogens, germs, and bacteria, your immune system is crucial. Stress on your immune system can cause an inflammatory response, which in turn can exacerbate the symptoms of acne.

For instance, propionibacterium, the bacteria that causes acne, will release chemicals when it begins to starve, which will agitate the immune system and cause an inflammatory reaction. However, if your immune system is worn out or overworked, it may release an excessive amount of inflammatory chemicals that can begin to target both the bacteria and healthy skin cells, resulting in an acne outbreak.

Is your skin acne prone? Have you been able to figure out the reason for your acne? Let us know in the comments section below! 

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