What Would You Do if the Unthinkable Happened to you?

what would you do if the unthinkable happened to you? what would you do if you had an accident, or you lost your job, or you were laid off, or you became ill. how would you provide for yourself? that life is about today living today, hat whatever I want to do I do it right now. so, whatever you want to do, whatever idea that you have, the longer that you are sitting on that idea you are either creating or you are disintegrating. if you are not using it. your skills are diminishing every day. and there goes a second. there goes another second. and life is happening right now.

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well maybe you’re leaving out the meaning of life. that’s what it looks like to me. its like here you are, suffering away. what’s makes it worthwhile rights? it’s almost impossible to describe how bad an idea that is. responsibility. that’s what gives life meaning. it’s like lift a load. then you can tolerate yourself right, because look at you, you’re useless. easily hurt, easily killed. why should you have any self-respect? that’s the story of the fall. pick something up and carry it, make it heavy enough so that you can think yeah well, useless a I am at least I could move that from there to there.


if you are fat, call yourself fat and you can to what you want your body to become

I made this person by diving into the insecurities that life gave me. cause now they’re yours. they’re yours own. if you’re not smart, call yourself dumb. its OK. because you are. but take that nudge. don’t put yourself down. if you are fat, call yourself fat and you can to what you want your body to become. we wanna talk so soft to ourselves, we’re looking for that recovery day. and that recovery day, is everything in your life. everything your life is a recovery day, we’re looking for it, it’s not coming.


everybody wants to get to a place, very few were willing to sacrifice to get there. everybody wants something. and very few people are executing to go there. the amount of people whose actions map to their ambition coming out of their mouth is very low. there are no shortcuts. there is no secret, there is no system, or model.


self-care, is saying I want to be responsible for my future meaning, I want to give my body give my mind give myself what I need so that I am playing the long game. self-care is recognizing, this is not a sprint, this life, is a marathon.


don’t count yourself out. don’t say I can’t do that. many of us go through life saying no and you don’t even know what you’re saying no to.

lot of people allow fear, to stop them from living their dream. answer your calling. what ever you are called to do. don’t count yourself out. don’t say I can’t do that. many of us go through life saying no and you don’t even know what you’re saying no to. you don’t know what you cannot do, if you’re not willing to challenge yourself. whatever it is that you don’t know how to do right now you can LEARN.


daily so trust self-love is the soil in which you plant future contribution seeds in. and then daily grind is the light in the water required to be of some use in some possibility for those of us witnessing your life. don’t mistake complacency with self-love. self-love says I am whole and complete and enough with where I start but hold me accountable to where I am going. 


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