Winners never quit we all heard this best saying but do you know? Winners are best quitters, they quit things that are not working now. Winners know well when to quit and when to say no to the things that hold them back and feel them down.
Sometimes to be yourself to be happy to move forward you have to quit something that don’t fit in you, so here are 5 things to quit to have a happy & successful life.
Trying to please everybody
We must quit the idea of trying to please everybody as Abraham Lincoln said his best you can never please all the people all the time, that is impossible. Focusing on what other people think of you if you can’t meet their demands is like stopping yourself from being you. You can’t live your whole life worrying about what other people is going to talk about you, some people are going to criticize you, some people are going to dislike you and some is going to love you. Don’t try to maintain the things in your life to make them feel happy. Remember in trying to please everybody else you will lose your own happiness. You are significant your ideas are important your stories are valuable so do what you want. Don’t be scared about people’s opinion, don’t be discouraged by criticism, just never stop being you and no matter what.
Living in the past
We must stop crying over the past. It gone there is nothing we can do about it except one thing as steve marabolli once said cry. Forgive. Be thankful and learn. Let your tear water the seeds of your future happiness. Every morning when you wake up you have two options you can say why just me? Living with the past or you can say dear past thank you for all the lesson and move forward to make a difference with the 24 new brands hours which are before you.
Doubting yourself
The truth is someone we became just our own worst critic we are our negative influencer, make sure you are not. Stop putting yourself down, stop thinking that you are not good enough because it is your negative thought that holds you back. So, its time to stop doubting yourself, you are already good enough. No one else has the dream like you, no one has the power that you have, no one has the ability that you have. It is time to believe in the power of your dream.
Fearing to change
We don’t like change we fear it but changes like a river it flowing every time as same as everything is changing constantly your life your body your nature or society change is permanent. If you want to grow or if you want progress so stop fearing change and embrace it as John F Kennedy once said his best change is the law of life and the people who look only at the past or present are certain to miss the future.
Nothing can break you but you can by overthinking about everything that you can’t control. Things that gone who left overthinking ruins you it ruins your life, it destroys your happiness and the dream that you have. It makes you worry and everything much worse than actually it is. Of course, you face problems but you can solve every problem if you stop overthinking and stop making things much worse. Instead of that focus on solution.
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