The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory..

Some of you are in the darkest of darkest valleys. I don’t know what you are going through, but i know what you need. Hope. And i want you to know that beautiful things can come from your broken pieces when you give your broken pieces a chance. It is OK to be scared, it is OK to cry, but giving up is not.


I just want you to know that it is not the end. It matters how you are going to finish. I don’t care how dark it looks for you, i don’t care what they said to you, i don’t care what the verdict it, i don’t care what the haters say. It ain’t over. No matter what happens to you, it ain’t over. Ain’t no such a thing as over. Do you know man that you can actually mess your life completely up, you can jack it all the way up, and you can turn around and get it right? Do you know that you can be divorced multiple times and still be okay? Do you understand that you cannot have a degree and still be just fine? Now whatever you’ve been through, whatever that is, guess what? You still here.


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You have a great life in front of you. Bur your great life is in front of you


You have a great life in front of you. Bur your great life is in front of you, it’s not behind you. Everything you are going through is preparing you for what you ask god for. You just going to tripping while you are in the process. Because the process is necessary. You may not see it now, but when he gets you on the other side of it, you’re going to see exactly why it went that way. And you are going to be okay with it. Pull yourself together and quit tripping cause you are in the process. God is processing you. He ain’t through with you. If he was through with you, you would not wake up in the morning.


When you feel like giving up, don’t.


When you feel like giving up, don’t. When you thinking about giving up, don’t. When it looks like ain’t going to make it, keep going. When they tell you that you can’t, come on man, who are they? When they tell you to put all your stuff back on your desk, don’t do that man. Don’t do that. When they tell you, you not gonna make it, don’t believe them. Don’t believe them you’ve got to be relentless. And i am saying to you what if all of us took that attitude? After we face a rejection and a no, or we have a meeting and no one shows up, or somebody says, you can count on me and they don’t come through. Nobody believes in you, you have lost again and again and again and again, the lights are cut off, but you are still looking at your dream, reviewing it everyday and saying to yourself, it’s not over until i win.


The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory

The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory. See what you become in the process is more important that the dream. That’s far more important. The kind of person you become, the character that you build, the courage that you develop, the faith that you are manifesting. Oh, its something that you get up in the morning, you look yourself in the mirror, you are a different kind of person, you walk with a different kind of sprit. And people know that you know what life is. That you have embraced life. You knew it was hard, but you did it hard.


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