You Have Invested Too Much To Quit Now. You Have Lost Too Much To Quit Now..

When I look at people, I always ask the question, I say, man tell me what Nike stands for. They said, "Oh Ink that's easy, Just Do It." I said, tell me what Adidas stands for. "Oh, Ink that's easy man, Impossible Is Nothing." I said, now tell me what you stand for. When people look at you, do they think excuses? When people look at you, do they think victory? When people look at you, do they think, that's a person that's gonna give me everything they got, not on some days, but on every day, and it's not gonna be predicated upon if I feel like it, because I think we all know if we only worked on the days when we felt like it none of us would get much accomplished. I'm talking about the real level of commitment. Not the commitment that falls in line if everything goes right. 

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I'm speaking of the commitment that says, I am going to stay true to what I said I would do, long after the mood that i've said it in has left. See, most people ladies and gentlemen, are stoppable. Most people, all you have to do is tell them no. All you have to do is make it inconvenient for them, all you have to do is make it difficult for them and they'll stop. 


When you go to get your goal, you are sending a telegram to Murphy's law to visit you personally.

See, when you go to get your goal, don't think that all you have to do is think positive and everything's gonna work out hokey dokey for you. When you go to get your goal, you are sending a telegram to Murphy's law to visit you personally. You thought you were just gonna have a dream and a goal, and you were just gonna wake up and just walk into the sunset. 


You're like, dream, boom. It doesn’t work like that. You have a dream, and then life punks you. Life punks you and says, do you really want this? You're gonna lose friends, do you really want this? Do you really want this? Cousins are gonna abandon you, people that you used to be like this with gonna think you boujee and not wanna deal with you. It's a part of it. But I paid too much. If I was gonna quit, I would've quit in an abandoned building when I wanted to commit suicide and take my life. 


You have invested too much to quit now. You have lost too much to quit now. Don't cry about it,

I should've quit when I heard my voice say, your mama doesn’t want you, your daddy doesn’t want you, take your life. I got through that, so why am I gonna quit over an F on a grade? Come on. And so, I'm telling y'all, you have come too far to quit now. You have invested too much to quit now. You have lost too much to quit now. Don't cry about it, don't whine about it, get a reward for your pain. And so, by being committed to everything that I started, I finished it, it built a certain type of spirit, it built a certain type of mentality, it built a certain type of individual. 


And so now, I couldn't quit even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop even if I wanted to, I have too much sweat equity in my life in everything that I was doing. You're too close to quit now. You gotta take another lap. You gotta take another lap, because you never know, this might be the one. You can't stop cause you're tired, you can't stop because you got your feelings hurt, you gotta take another lap. Keep walking. Keep walking. Keep walking. You're gonna make it. You're gonna do it. You got an unstoppable fire. Come on, take another lap. Don't you stop. Don't stop walking.


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