These 11 Foods Actually Help BURN Your Fat & Lose Weight!

Do you know these foods can help burn fat? Are you constantly in a war with your weight? I mean, you’re trying to lose fat but you just can’t shake delicious foods. Well believe it or not, some of your favorite foods can burn up fat. That is if you eat them in moderation.

Let’s discuss 11 Surprising Foods You Didn’t Know Burn Fat. Do you like chocolate milk? How about coffee? Better start putting more mustard on your sandwiches. We’re talking all that AND more…

1. Mustard

Mustard That’s right. Mustard is a fat burner. While it remains one of the most loved and hated condiments on the table, it’s fat burning benefits are undeniable. And what’s crazier is that this isn’t a new discovery. Evidence of this has been around since the 80’s.

A study from 1986 showed that a teaspoon of mustard can actually boost your metabolism by 25%. There is also no added sugar in mustard. As it turns out, mustard seed is a great source of antioxidants. The turmeric found in mustard can even fight against cancer and Alzheimer’s.

Here’s where you run into issues. It isn’t exactly normal to eat mustard on its own. I mean, how many people do you see eating it straight out of the jar? Stay away from that guy... If you eat mustard, chances are you’re putting it on a snack loaded with fat and carbs. I’m talking about hamburgers, hot dogs and sandwiches. If you want the fat burning benefits of mustard, find something light to eat it with.

2. Unripe Bananas

Unripe Bananas Yup, they burn fat as well. Most people prefer their bananas to be ripe. It’s just the waiting process that’s such a pain. We sometimes wait so long, we forget we bought them. But little did we know that unripe bananas also have their benefits.

11 Foods Actually Help BURN Your Fat

Bananas that are under ripe can create healthy gut bacteria. They are full of good fiber. Since this fiber takes longer to digest, you feel full for a longer period of time. This allows you to lose weight quicker. The Vitamin B6 in bananas also allows you to convert food into energy.

3. Red Peppers

Red Peppers How many of you love your hot peppers? While hot cayenne peppers set your mouth on fire and make you sweat, red peppers also help you lose weight. Here’s how they burn fat. Ever heard of cortisol? This is known as a stress hormone. When you’re feeling on edge, your cortisol level shoots up. This leads to belly fat storage. When you bite into a red pepper, the Vitamin C attacks your cortisol and begins to reduce it. As a result, your belly fat will burn away slowly.

Red peppers also contain something called capsaicin. This increases the rate at which you burn your fat. The great thing about red pepper is that they fit with an assortment of delicious meals. I personally enjoy them mixed in with my stir fry, which can be made with other easy ingredients right on your home stove.

4. Peanut Butter

Peanut Butter A study from 2009 showed that nuts in general will lower the risk of weight gain and obesity in adults. You’ve probably heard more about peanut butter’s protein content then its ability to burn fat. Well actually, it's with the help of protein that our bellies burn the fat. This protein also helps you recover from a workout. The only problem is finding the right brand of peanut butter. The normal type of peanut butter is loaded with sugar, salt and preservatives. What you want is an organic brand. Two tablespoons of organic peanut butter holds only 2% of your daily recommended carbs and sodium. It also carries 7% of your daily dietary fiber. So if you’re craving a midnight snack, and you don’t want to gain as much weight, slather a bit of organic peanut butter over some whole wheat bread.

5. Coffee

Coffee Caffeine boosts your metabolism. Now I know it’s not for everyone, but all you coffee drinkers should listen up. A hot cup in the morning is exactly what your system needs to start burning fat. But you're going to have to make some sacrifices. That medium coffee with double cream and sugar, drop it. In order to burn fat, you’ll need to drink it black. A study from all the way back in 2006 showed that people who drink black coffee have a metabolism 16% higher than those who don’t drink it. The higher your metabolism, the quicker you will lose weight. Not only that, but you can also enjoy more food since your body breaks it down quicker. Another piece of research showed that lean people who drank caffeine saw their fat burn 29% faster, whereas obese people burn fat only 10% faster.

6. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate You’ve heard that dark chocolate was good for you, but who knew it could burn fat? Similar to unripe bananas, dark chocolate promotes a healthier gut. This allows the body to burn more fat. Believe it or not, dark chocolate shares some of the same health benefits as green vegetables. It can reduce your blood pressure, insulin resistance and blood sugar. You just need to make sure you're eating it in moderation. 

Dark chocolate also helps your metabolism, reducing the absorption of nasty fats and carbs. So head over to the supermarket and buy a bar.

7. Humus

Humus This one might not be a common item in your fridge, but hummus is only becoming more popular in North America. If you’re wondering whether or not to pick it up on your next grocery run, here’s a little motivation… Research shows that people who eat hummus on the regular were 53% less likely to be obese. Made from the almighty chickpea, hummus is jam packed with protein. It’s also a terrific source of deity fiber, promoting better health for your gut. Break out some hummus and eat it with carrots and celery.

8. Chocolate Milk

Chocolate Milk You’ve probably heard mixed things about chocolate milk your entire life. As kids, we were told not to drink too much. Later in life, people said it wasn’t so bad for us and we should have more. Well both are true in a way. While it’s certainly not good to guzzle it down with a funnel, chocolate milk does indeed burn fat. Trying to slim down? Low fat chocolate milk gives your body plenty of protein to work with during exercise. A single cup provides 8 grams of protein. This way you're getting the usual chocolate milk benefits without all the fat and cholesterol.

9. Cottage Cheese

Cottage Cheese I know it sounds gross to some of you, but cottage cheese has a ton of great health benefits. This includes fat burning. In just a single cup of low fat cottage cheese, you are getting 163 calories and 28 grams of protein. Diets that are high in protein keep you feeling full. Unless you just love to stuff yourself with food, you won’t be eating as much on a full stomach.

If you’re thinking of giving cottage cheese a try, you’re likely thinking of ways to eat it. Some eat it with sliced bananas, berries and pineapples. Other’s just have it the old fashioned way and eat it out of the container with a spoon. It’s not for everyone, but it's a start.

10. Cinnamon

if you’d like to try cinnamon for its weight loss effects, it’s actually a great choice. If you have some cinnamon in the morning, you will give your metabolism a boost. It’s antioxidants help promote insulin sensitivity and keep your blood sugar level stable. In the case of fat burning, a study from 2012 was conducted on mice. In the end, mice who consumed daily ingredients from cinnamon saw a rapid decrease in belly fat. Those who didn’t consume it, wouldn’t have it. Of course, you don’t want to eat cinnamon on it’s own. Luckily for you, it works with multiple breakfast, lunch and dinner meals.

11. Spaghetti

Spaghetti I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t spaghetti a carb goldmine. Well yes. These carbs give your body fuel to burn. Let’s say you have a spaghetti lunch. I’m talking about a large plate with some meatballs on it. Just a single serving contains 16% of your daily carbohydrates. These carbs will allow your body to burn up fat when you go on a run later on that night. Just don’t overdo it. We all know how addicting a good plate of pasta is.

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